A Sneak Peak At What A RAW Vegan Athlete Consumes!

I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately on how I get my day started, and what kind of food I eat throughout the day.


If you’re ready, I’ll give you a sneak peak at what a RAW Vegan Athlete’s day looks like!

I always begin my mornings by waking up, of course, and then I go right for the hydration pump! Thats right, I rehydrate to get the juices flowing, and drink at least 32oz of spring water with fresh squeezed lemon, and sometimes, if I need a little more pep in my step, I’ll add a little cayenne pepper and some turmeric powders to shake things up a bit. This really opens up the cardiovascular system  and gets some serious blood pumping and supports the immune system.


The rest of my day typically looks like this…90% of the time I eat Raw organic fruits and vegetables, and the other 10% of the time, I might choose to  balance out with steamed veggies, rice , sprouted quinoa and/or MAYBE a baked potato. I will often go with 3 big green smoothies with lots of bananas and dates as my base along with a few other goodies, and plug in 3 32oz. jars of alkaline green juices, which almost always includes one of my favorite ingredients, watercress!

D I N N E R is always a treat and like an art show for me, where I get to be CREATIVE, have fun, and INDULGE! After fasting most of the day and giving my digestive tract a break from digesting heavy foods, I am ready to eat by 5 or 6 pm. I’ll typically make a HUGE rainbow salad and top it off with all of the healthy fats and fresh living sprouts that I can get in there!

Oh and I can’t forget about the best part, the dressing!  I go CRAZY with the dressing and make a huge amount of it! I almost always use an avocado base with a citrus fruit of some sort to give it some serious zing and zest, and then pour it on heavy with some kale chips and sit and ENJOY with a big smile!

I really don’t have a specific regiment that I follow, I just focus on abundance, and filling in 90% of my day with Organic Raw foods, smoothies, and or green juices, and leave the other 10% as what I call wiggle room. I do love the energy and the


way I feel when I am on the green smoothies and juices though, it’s powerful stuff! Don’t take my word for it, give it a try!

I love this saying, “Nothing looks as good as being healthy feels”

Have the best day ever friends!


-Ian Myers



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